Passport Office in Attingal
Information about the passport office in Attingal details like address, phone number or contact number, application status, annexure, affidavit, appointment, date and time, and other details.
Passport Application, Status, PCC | Apply Now |
Post Office Seva Kendra Attingal
POPSK Attingal | Address: Head Post Office Attingal, Pincode – 695101, Post Office No: 0470 262 2250. |
Contact Number | NA |
Timing | 9:00 to 4:00 PM |
Working Days | Monday to Friday |
Helpline No. | 1800 258 1800 |
Status | SMS to 9704100100 |
Regional Officer | Ms. Jeeva Maria Joy |
Phone Number | 0471 – 2470225, 2460132 |
Fax | 0471 – 2461132 |
Contact Email | rpo.trivandrum |
Grievance Cell : | 0471-2573394/ 2460132 |
Contact Information:
1800 258 1800 |
011-23384519 |
011-24600200 |
011-23074191 |
011-23387508 |
011-23386259 |
011-23387013 |
പാസ്പോർട്ട് ഓഫീസ് ആറ്റിങ്ങൽ വിവരങ്ങൾ
വിലാസം: ഹെഡ് പോസ്റ്റ് ഓഫീസ് ആറ്റിങ്ങൽ പിൻകോഡ് – 695101. പോസ്റ്റ് ഓഫീസ് നമ്പർ: 0470 262 2250, ഹെൽപ്പ് ലൈൻ നമ്പർ: 1800 258 1800
Attingal Grievance Cell:
Grievance Cell Officer | Smt. A. Brinda, APO |
Contact Number | 0471-2573394 / 0471-2460132 |
Public Grievance Officer | Shri Bal Krishan |
Email Id | |
Phone Number | 91 11 23384497/23384519 |
Fax | 91-11-23384461 |
FAQs on Passport Office in Attingal:
Q. What is the contact number for the passport, Seva Kendra Attingal?
A. Contact numbers are 0470 262 2250, 1800 258 1800, email: rpo.trivandrum, and RPO contact numbers are 0471 2470225, 0471 2460132, fax number, 0471 2461132.
Q. Where is the passport of Seva Kendra in Attingal?
A. The old office address is Head Post Office Attingal, Pincode 695101, and the road map location of Attingal is here.
Q. How many documents are required for a passport in Attingal?
A. Documents in Attingal are ID proof, address proof, and age proof like PAN card, Aadhar card, passport book, voter card, driving license, electricity bill, and telephone bill.
Other Passport Office:
Neyyattinkara | Building # XIII / 397 (A), Akshaya Complex, Opp KSRTC Bus Station, Neyyattinkara, Kerela. |
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