EPFO Head Office in Delhi


Information about epfo head office in Delhi, with address, contact number, timing, email address, claim status, website, and other application details, and road map location.


EPF Head Office in Delhi

EPFO Delhi Address: Office of the Addl. Central Provident Fund Commissioner, Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan,
8th Floor, 28, Community Centre, Wazirpur Industrial Area, New Delhi, 110052.
Contact Email: acc.dlut@epfindia.gov.in
Contact Number: 14470 / 1800118005
EPF Balance 011-22901406
Miss Call service 9966044425
SMS Service 7738299899
Working Day Monday – Friday
Open timing 09:15 AM – 05:45 PM
Commissioner Name Manish Kumar Singh
Tel No. 011-27376173
Commissioner Name Brajesh Kumar
Tel No. 011-27373397
Complaints Email gms@epfindia.gov.in
Grievance Cell support-gms@epfindia.gov.in


Nodal Officer in EPF Delhi:

DELHI WEST ritu.kanojia@ epfindia.gov.in 011-28093006
DELHI CENTRAL rawat.vijay@ epfindia.gov.in 011-27371269
DEHRADUN deepak.pal@ epfindia.gov.in 0135-2971162
HALDWANI krjoshi1970@ yahoo.co.in 05946-281411
Jammu ajit.mishra@ epfindia.gov.in 0191-4060117


EPF Head Office in Delhi Road Map Location


EPFO Headquarters, New Delhi:

EPF Head Office: Employees Provident Fund Organization, Plate A Ground Floor, Office Block-II, East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi, 110023.
HelpLine Number: 14470 / 1800118005
Email: cpfc@epfindia.gov.in
Check Balance: 011-22901406
SMS Service: 7738299899
EPF Employee: employeefeedback@epfindia.gov.in
EPF Employer: employerfeedback@epfindia.gov.in
Grievance Email: support-gms@epfindia.gov.in
Complaints Email: gms@epfindia.gov.in


Link Under EPFO Office in Delhi:

DELHI [NORTH] Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 28, Community Centre, Wazirpur Industrial Area, Delhi, 110052 011-27376775 / 27376780
DELHI [CENTRAL] Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 28, Community Centre, Wazirpur Industrial Area, Delhi, 110052 011-27371136
DELHI [WEST] EPFO Complex, Plot No. 23, Sector-23, Dwarka, New Delhi, 110077 011-28093110 / 28093110
DELHI [SOUTH] EPFO Complex, Plot No. 23, Sector-23, Dwarka, New Delhi, 110077 011-28093102 / 28093103
DELHI [EAST] DSIIDC Facility Centre Building, Flatted Factory Complex, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Jhilmil Industrial Area (behind Dilshad Garden Metro Station), Delhi, 110095 011-22125701


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