PF Office in Agra
Information about the PF office in Agra with address, contact number, timing, email address, claim status, website, and application tax details.
EPFO Office in Agra
Address: Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 55/2, Hariparwat Rd, Sanjay Place, Agra, 282002.
Phone Number: 0562 -2855273, 0562-2850435
Helpline Number: 1800118005, 0562-2525501
Whatsapp No: 8279696190, Email:
Working Time: 9:15 AM to 5:45 PM, Website:
SMS: “EPFOHO UAN” to 7738299899, Miss Call: 01122901406
PF Agra Complain Number:
Name | Shri Kumar Abhishek |
Designation | RPFC-II |
Email: | kumar.abhishek@ |
Phone No. | 0562-2850434 |
EPFO Agra Commissioner:
P. F. Commissioner | Shri Vineet Gupta |
Email: | Vineet.Gupta@ |
P. F. Commissioner | Shri Sandeep Kumar |
Email: | Sandeep.K@ |
P. F. Commissioner | Sh Kumar Abhishek |
Email: | Abhishek.Kumar@ |
Agra EPF Under Office:
ALIGARH | EPFO, District Office, Zilla Panchayat Parisar Collectorate Road, Aligarh, 202001 | do.aligarh@ |
EPFO Head Office in Agra:
Address | Office of the Addl. Central Provident Fund Commissioner (Uttar Pradesh), Nidhi Bhawan, Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur, 208 005 | | |
Personal Assistant | 0512-2225205 |
P. F. Commissioner | Shri Uday Baxi | | |
P. F. Commissioner | Shri Ritesh Saini | |
पीएफ कार्यालय आगरा
पता: भविष्य निधि भवन, 55/2, हरिपर्वत रोड, संजय प्लेस, आगरा, 282002.
फोन नंबर: 0562-2855273, 0562-2850435, 0562-2525501
हेल्पलाइन नंबर: 1800118005, व्हाट्सएप नंबर: 8279696190
ईमेल पता:, मिस कॉल सेवा: 01122901406
काम करने का समय – सुबह 9:15 बजे से शाम 5:45 बजे तक
EPF Kendra Agra Road Map Location
EPFO Head Office:
Details | Particulars |
Head Office Address | EPFO Head Office, New Delhi Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi – 110 066. |
HelpLine Number | 1800118005 |
EPF Balance | 011-22901406 |
SMS Service | 7738299899 |
EPF Employee | |
EPF Employer | |
Grievance | |
Complaints Email | |

PF Office Agra
QNAs on EPF Office in Agra:
Q. Where is the EPF office in Agra?
The old address is near Hariparwat Road; the location is 55/2, Hariparwat Rd, Sanjay Place, Agra, 282002.; and the road map location of Agra is here.
Q. What is the contact number for the PF office in Agra?
A. The contact numbers are 0562-2855273, 0562-2850435, 1800118005, 0562-2525501, WhatsApp No. 8279696190, Email:
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