Passport Office in Jagatsinghpur


Information About Passport Office Jagatsinghpur, Address, Phone Number, Passport Application, Customer Care, Appointment Date and Time, Email ID, Enquiry No, Status, Complaint Number, and Location Map.

Passport Application, Status, PCC Apply Now


Post Office Psk Jagatsinghpur 

Address: Head Post Office, Jagatsinghpur, Odisha – 754103. Post Office No: 06724 220 026.

Helpline No: 1800 258 1800, Email:

Head Office Contact Number

Phone Number: 0674-2564470 / 0674-2563855

Appointment Date: Monday to Friday

Appointment Time: 9.00 A.m to 5.00 P.m

Passport Application, Status, PCC Apply Now

SMS to 9704100100 File Number (STATUS BNG071268435013)


Popsk Seva Kendra Jagatsinghpur Road Map Location


QNA on Passport Office Jagatsinghpur

Q. Is a PAN card necessary for a passport?

A. No, a PAN card is not necessary for passport application in the passport office; it is only used for ID and date of birth proof.

Q. Is Aadhaar enough for a passport?

A. Yes, an Aadhar card is enough for passport application in the passport office, but it is used for passport date of birth, ID proof, and address proof. Also, if any of your documents, the passport office can take any other documents.

Q. Is a driving license required for a passport?

A. No, a driving license is not required for passport applications, but it is only used for passport applications in ID proof, address proof, and also date of birth proof.


Other Passport Office:

Jajpur Head Post Office, Jajpur, Pin 755001


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