Income Tax Office Raipur


All Information About Income Tax Office Raipur Address, Contact Number, Complain Number, Income Tax Correction, Income Tax E payment,  Email Address, Status, Refund, Income Tax Demand, Income Tax Assessment Order Website, and Efiling Income Tax Details.


Income Tax Office Number


Income Tax Office in Raipur

Address: Civil Lines, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001

Telephone Number: 0755-2559541

Phone Number: 0755-2525315 (Head Office)

Mobile Number: 9406717870  (Head Office)

Helpline Number: 18001801961

Email Address:  ​

Email Address: 

Date: Monday to Friday, Time: 10.00 A.m to 7.00 P.m



आयकर कार्यालय रायपुर

पता: सिविल लाइंस, रायपुर, छत्तीसगढ़ 492001

टेलीफोन नंबर: 0755-2559541

फोन नंबर: 0755-2525315 (प्रधान कार्यालय)

मोबाइल नंबर: 9406717870 (प्रधान कार्यालय)

हेल्पलाइन नंबर: 18001801961

ईमेल पता: ​

ईमेल पता: (प्रधान कार्यालय)

दिनांक: सोमवार से शुक्रवार, समय: सुबह 10.00 बजे से शाम 7.00 बजे तक


Income Tax Contact Number:


Contact Number

  • PAN Application & Update


  • TAN application & Update


  • Aayakar Sampark Kendra

1800 180 1961

  • Income Tax Queries


  • e-Filing Income Tax Queries


  • Income Tax Intimation


  • Income Tax Rectification


  • Income Tax Refund 


  • TDS Reconciliation

1800 103 0344

  • Form 16, Tax Credit (Form 26AS) 


  • Audit Report Queries 


  • Income Tax Queries



Income Tax Office Raipur Ward / CIT Contact Details:

Ward / CIT / TDS Contact Number
Dy./Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax (TDS) 07714075274
Income Tax Officer (TDS), Raipur. 07714094047
Chief Commissioner of Income Tax,  0771-2423132
Commissioner of Income-tax(A), Raipur

0771-249 23132
Commissioner of Income-Tax, Raipur  0771-2331048
Addl.  Commissioner of Income Tax, Range-1, Raipur 0771-2331045
Joint Commissioner of Income Tax, Range-II, Raipur  0771-2331045
ITO-1(1), Raipur  0771-2331002
ITO-1(2), Raipur  0771-2331951
ITO-1(3), Raipur 0771-2331057
ITO-2(1), Raipur  0771-2331059
ITO-2(2), Raipur  0771-2331058
ITO-2(3), Raipur 0771-2331058
ITO-2(4), Raipur  0771-2331058
ITO-1, Raipur  07744-223430
ITO-2, Raipur 07744-223430
Commissioner of Income tax-1(1), Raipur  0771-2331953
Commissioner of Income tax-1(2), Raipur  0771-2331953
Commissioner of Income tax-2(1), Raipur  0771-2331953


Income Tax Office Raipur Address Details:

Ward / Post Full Address
Dy./Assistant commissioner of Income Tax (TDS), Raipur. Dy./Assistant commissioner of Income Tax (TDS), Aayakar Bhawan, Raipur.
Income Tax Officer (TDS), Aayakar Bhawan, Raipur. Income Tax Officer (TDS), Aayakar Bhawan, Raipur. Phone-
O/o Chief Commissioner of Income-tax, Raipur Asst. Commissioner of Income tax (Hq.) (Admn.),     O/o Chief Commissioner of Income tax, Central Revenue Building,
Civil Lines, Raipur 
Commissioner of Income-tax(A), Raipur

Commissioner of Income tax(A), Raipur
Central Revenue Building, Civil Lines, Raipur 
Commissioner of Income Tax, Raipur ITO (Hq.), Raipur O/o  Commissioner of Income tax, Central Revenue Building,
Civil Lines Raipur 
Addl.  Commissioner of Income tax, Range-1, Raipur  Addl.  Commissioner of Income tax, Range- 1, Raipur Central Revenue Biilding, Civil Lines, Raipur 
Joint Commissioner of Income-tax, Range-II,
Joint Commissioner of Income tax, Range-
II, Raipur Central Revenue Building, Civil Lines, Raipur 
ITO-1(1), Raipur ITO-1(1), Raipur Central Revenue Building Civil Lines, Raipur 
ITO-1(2), Raipur ITO-1(2), Raipur Central Revenue Building Civil Lines, Raipur 
ITO-1(3), Raipur ITO-1(3), Raipur Central Revenue Building Civil Lines, Raipur 
ITO-2(1), Raipur ITO-2(1), Raipur Central Revenue Building Civil Lines, Raipur 
ITO-2(2), Raipur ITO-2(2), Raipur Central Revenue Building Civil Lines, Raipur 
ITO-2(3), Raipur ITO-2(3), Raipur Central Revenue Building Civil Lines, Raipur 
ITO-2(4), Raipur ITO-2(4), Raipur Central Revenue Building Civil Lines, Raipur 
ITO-1, Rajnandgaon  ITO-1, Rajnandgaon Aayakar Bhawan, Raipur Naka Rajnandgaon 
ITO-2, Rajnandgaon  ITO-2, Rajnandgaon Aayakar Bhawan, Raipur Naka Rajnandgaon 
D Commissioner of Income tax-1(1), Raipur D Commissioner of Income tax-1(1), Raipur Central Revenue Building, Civil Lines, Raipur 
D Commissioner of Income tax-1(2), Raipur D Commissioner of Income tax-1(2), Raipur Central Revenue Building, Civil Lines, Raipur 
D Commissioner of Income tax-2(1), Raipur  D Commissioner of Income tax-2(1), Raipur Central Revenue Building, Civil Lines, Raipur 


Income Tax Office Raipur

Address: Civil Lines, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001, Contact Number: 1800 180 1961.


Income-tax Department Raipur, Exemption Wing

Address: Katora Talab, Civil Lines, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001.


Income Tax Office Raipur Road Map Location


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